Atrey Apamarg Kshar Tail For Ear Associated Problems (50ml)



Apamarga Kshara Taila is a Ayurvedic oil used is used in the treatment of ear disorders, tinnitus and hearing loss. Effect on Tridosha – Balances Vata. Atrey Apamarga taila is useful in Badhirya (deafness), Karna-nada (sound in ears) and Karna Puran (filling of ears with oil). It contains Apamarga kshara and Tila taila (sesame oil).

Apamargakshara taila is used for maximum number of ear disorders.

  • Ear diseases and leucoderma
  • Acquired deafness
  • Tinnitus (sound in ears)
  • Otorrhoea/discharge from ear
  • Nose bleed, nakseer (as Nasya/Nasal therapy)

Usage: Used in ear conditions such as itching, pus, infection, otitis, tinnitus, earache and worms etc. Indicated for deafness.

How To Use: 2-3 Drops of this oil is instilled into each ear once or twice a day or by or as directed by practitioner

Ingredients: Apamarga Kshar

Country Of Origin: India


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