
Baidyanath Jhansi Yogendra Ras With Gold




Baidyanath Jhansi Yogendra Ras With Gold is an ayurvedic medicine that can be used to deal with a wide variety of ailments. It help deal with vata-vikar, prameha

Product Overview

Baidyanath (Jhansi) Yogendra Ras with Gold is an ayurvedic medicine that can be used to deal with a wide variety of ailments. It can help deal with vata-vikar, prameha (urinary disorders), heart diseases (weakness of heart, high BP) and nerve disorders. It can also help to overcome weakness after illness. Moreover, it can be beneficial in dealing with physical and mental weakness associated with stress, tension, or anxiety. Yogendra Ras is swarna-kalpa which are those Ayurvedic medicines that contain swarn bhasma. Swarna bhasma is good for memory, the brain and the whole body. It is a nutritive, anti-paralytic and cardiac tonic that can improve memory. Furthermore, it can deal with various diseases of the heart and brain.

Key Ingredients:

  • Rasa Sindura (Parada)
  • Svarna bhasma
  • Kantaloha bhasma (Lauha)
  • Abhra (Abhraka) bhasma
  • Mauktika (Mukta) bhasma
  • Vanga bhasma
  • Kumari ras

Key Benefits:

  • This ayurvedic formulation can be effective in dealing with bahumutra (polyuria), mutraghata (urinary obstruction) and other prameha (urinary disorders)
  • It can be beneficial in reducing vataroga (disease due to vata dosha) and vatapitta roga (disease due to vata dosha and pitta dosha)
  • It can assist in coping with apasmara (epilepsy), hysteria (excessive or uncontrollable emotion) vertigo (feeling of dizziness as if everything is moving or spinning) and kshin indriya (Impaired senses)
  • It is effective in dealing with paraplegia (paralysis of the lower half of the body) and all kinds of nervous debility
  • This product can be effective in dealing with sperm disorders, nightfall, thinning of sperms, and premature ejaculation

Country Of Origin: India

Additional information


10 Tablets, 25 Tablets


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