
Nisarg Organic Garlic Powder



Garlic Powder, We Can Grow Garlic at Our Farm and Process on It Then Make Garlic Powder. So, This is Our Farm Base Product. It is Pure Organic and Natural. It is Fresh at any Time.


Nisarg Organic Garlic Powder is packed with essential vitamins and minerals that can help improve your health. It contains Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, Iron, Calcium, Protein, Magnesium, Sodium, and Carbohydrates in the form of Dietary Fiber and Sugar. Regular consumption of garlic powder can help regulate high blood pressure, lower bad cholesterol levels and increase the good cholesterol levels, improve the immune system, reduce the risk of certain cancers, and aid in digestion.

Moreover, garlic powder also has immune-boosting properties that come from the minerals and antioxidants present in it. Consuming garlic powder on a regular basis can protect you from various bacterial, fungal, and viral infections. It’s no wonder why garlic powder is an excellent choice for improving your health!

Garlic Powder Benefits:

  • Boosting Immune System
  • Lower Cholesterol levels
  • Preventing Blood Clots
  • Reducing Inflammation

Additional information


100gm, 200gm, 500gm, 1kg


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