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Important Minerals Needed For Our Body By Richesm

Minerals are inorganic constituents of living organisms. They can either be organic or non-organic. The main function of minerals is to regulate the body’s fluid balance, maintain normal nerve function, and promote bone growth and development.

Why Minerals Are So Important For Our Body?

Minerals are essential for the body. Minerals play a role in many biological processes and are needed to regulate body fluids, promote bone health and help with tissue repair. They also play an important part in maintaining a healthy nervous system. The human body contains about 20 different minerals. Some minerals (such as calcium) are more abundant than others (such as manganese). Most of the minerals in our bodies exist in trace amounts (less than 100mg), but some minerals like phosphorus and sodium make up larger percentages of our total mineral makeup.

Mineral Important For Good Health

Minerals are inorganic elements that our body needs to grow, develop and maintain itself. They are essential for the body to function properly. Minerals are needed for the growth, development and repair of tissues. They also help regulate blood pressure and heart rate, as well as other functions within your body. Some major minerals found in your body include calcium, potassium, magnesium and sodium. On top of those major minerals, there are also trace minerals like iron which help you with haemoglobin formation (red blood cells). Another important mineral that most people don’t know about is chromium which regulates sugar levels in your blood so it doesn’t rise too high or fall too low (hypoglycemia).

What Are The Major Functions Performed By Minerals In the Body?

Minerals are essential for the proper functioning of the body and are needed in small amounts. Minerals perform various functions in the body, including:

  • They help maintain bone structure.
  • participate in nerve impulse transmission.
  • They help muscles contract and relax by sending electrical signals from the brain to them (nerve impulse).

Complete Your Diet With the Right Amount of Minerals

Most people know that minerals are essential for the body to function properly, but did you know that they’re also needed for many important functions of the body? Minerals help to maintain the body’s fluid balance and regulate metabolism, which means they play an important role in regulating your weight. They also help build strong bones and teeth.

Minerals can be found in many foods. A few examples include nuts, legumes (beans), fish and dairy products, but it’s a good idea to get most of your minerals from food rather than supplements because some vitamins may interact with one another if taken together at higher doses than recommended by medical professionals


Minerals are an essential part of our body. They have to be supplied in the right amount in order to maintain good health. We need minerals for many functions like building bones, maintaining muscle tone, regulating body temperature and many other processes. Minerals can be obtained from food sources or mineral supplements such as calcium carbonate or citrate which are available at most drug stores. Explore more with us on Richesm.com.

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RichesM Healthcare
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