
Aimil Amystop-G Capsules




Amystop-G Capsules is a herbal-mineral formulation that is highly effective in dysfunctional uterine bleeding (excessive bleeding), checks bleeding in time, and provides her an escape from the moments of gloom. It strengthens the female uterine system, improves endometrial (inner uterine wall) vascularity by supplementing bioflavonoids, and hastens wound healing by enhancing collagen turnover. Amystop-G strengthens the microvasculature and stabilizes the membrane phospholipids.

Amystop-G Capsules Control Abnormal Uterine Bleeding

  • Supplements of bio-flavonoids for better hemostasis (Stop bleeding), strengthen the uterine micro-vasculature and helps in restoration of the pericapillary sheath.
  • Act as Anti-fibrinolytic (stops bleeding) promotes pericapillary fibrin deposition and enhances collagen turnover in damaged tissues by increasing DNA and collagen content.
  • Reduces pain associated with dysfunctional uterine bleeding, and blocks the release of inflammatory mediators like histamine, and bradykinin.

Nourishes And Tones Uterus

  • Tones endometrium, increases the healing process, reduces increasing permeability in blood capillaries, and tones up the endometrial vascularity.
  • Provides astringent action, helps to regulate blood circulation and tighten blood vessels, and reduces blood loss.
  • Compensates blood loss by supplementing iron, and provides natural iron in gentle form, needed for the formation of hemoglobin.

Product Details

  • Quantity: 20 CAP
  • Dosage: 2 Capsules thrice a day
  • Country of Origin: India

Additional information


Pack of 2, pack of 3, 20 capsules


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