An effective Liver tonic & Hepatoprotective


Yakrit Health Syrup is a multiherbal formulation which helps to normalizes liver enzymes such as SGOT, SGPT & Alkpo4. It acts as a good appetiser & very useful in loss of appetite due to indigestion.


  • Bhumiamla acts as a very good antiviral drug.
  • Hepatoprotective & Liver rejuvenator – Makoi, Kalmeth & amla.
  • Regulates various hepatic enzymes. – Kutki, Rohitak & Haritaki.
  • Modulates Kupffer’s Cell activity – Guduchi.
  • Helps to remove all the toxins produced due to alcohol, drugs, radiation & acute or chronic illnesses – Bhringraj, Punarnava.


  • Fatty Liver
  • Jaundice
  • Viral Hepatitis
  • Alcoholic liver disease
  • Loss of appetite
  • Indigestion due to disturbed intake of food


Children – 5 – 10ml two times a day before meal or as directed by Physician.
Adults – 10ml two to three times a day before meal or as directed by the physician.


Available in 200ml bottle.

140.00 Rs


Onset of action of the medicine on the disease & duration of treatment of the medicine depends on the various factors like severity & sign & symptoms of the disease, age & physical condition of the patient etc. Please consult your Ayurvedic physician for more information.


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