Key Features

  • Basic Training Series – BCAAs are Essential to help build muscle
  • Prevent Catabolism

Product Description

BCAAs include leucine, isoleucine, and valine, three of the nine essential amino acids. This means that we must acquire BCAAS through food and supplementation; our body does not produce them. Even if we eat consistently throughout the day, there are still nutritional gaps that need to be filled to optimize our performance. Basic Training Series BCAAs help fill the gaps to aid in muscle recovery and help prevent the breakdown of muscle tissue throughout the day. Ingredient Info: Branched-chain amino acids, or BCAAs, include Leucine, Valine, and Isoleucine and are 3 of the essential amino acids. BCAAs play a critical role in muscle recovery and repair post-workout because of BCAAs help kick-start muscle protein synthesis.


As a dietary supplement and added BCAA content, mix one scoop with your favorite beverage, pre-workout, or post-workout shake.
Take BCAA on non-training days, and consume one serving at any time throughout the day. Use as directed.

Number of Servings30

Country Of Origin: USA


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