High in vitamins and rich in healthy fats Vansaar’s Ayuprash provides overall immunity throughout the year, it is extremely beneficial in fighting weather changes and being a winner in every season. Ayuprash contains flax seeds, the best source of health-protective antioxidants, and sunflower seeds, which are often considered superfoods in Ayurveda. Ayuprash is enriched with the nutritional powerhouse Kishmish which is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals.

Product Details:

Manufactured By: Shree Baidyanath Ayurved Bhawan Pvt. Ltd

License Number:  AL-17M

Net. Qty: 500 GM 

Marketed By: Riaan Wellness Pvt Ltd

Address: 1, Gupta Ln, Ram Bagan, Kolkata-700006, West Bengal



  • Weight 500 Gms
  • Shelf Life18 Months


Patala, Agnimantha, Gambhari Bilva, Syonaka, Gokshura, Salaparni Prisniparni, Brihati, Kantakari Pippali, Sringi, Draksha, Guduchi Haritaki, Bhumiamla, Vasa, Riddhi Jivanti, Sati, Jivaka, Rishbhaka Musta, Puskaramula


  • BOOSTS IMMUNITY NATURALLY: We use Amalaki fruit pulp and not extract which is the richest source of Vitamin C and the antioxidant properties of Amla help remove free radicals in the body to boost your family’s immunity against common cough & cold, viruses, allergies, and infections
  • MADE WITH 52 AYURVEDIC INGREDIENTS – the authentic Ayurvedic recipe ensures that you get all the benefits of ingredients such as Ashwagandha, Giloy, Shatavari, Makardhwaj to enhance strength and stamina. It also helps support your respiratory health.
  • LOW SUGAR CHYAWANPRASH: it contains jaggery & honey which improves metabolism and helps manage weight effectively
  • MANAGE CHOLESTEROL: Soluble fiber content available in flax seeds may help reduce levels of bad cholesterol
  • FIT FOR ENTIRE FAMILY – Vansaar Ayuprash is made with jaggery and honey, good for the entire family and tastes better so even kids will love it

How To Use:

1-2 teaspoons twice a day recommended with a glass of milk


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