Dr. Vaidya’s Stress Relief Ayurvedic Medicine

Key Benefits

  • Reduces stress and anxiety
  • Promotes sound sleep
  • Improves focus and clarity
  • Promotes mental wellbeing

Key Ingredients

  • Ashwagandha Reduces stress & anxiety
  • Jatamansi Calms & relaxes mind
  • Brahmi Improves focus & clarity
  • Tagar Promotes sound sleep

Product Details

Stress Relief is a well-researched, scientifically formulated Ayurvedic medication that reduces stress and anxiety, while promoting sound sleep.

This all-natural, ayurvedic formulation has herbs like Ashwagandha and Jatamansi that calm the mind, elevate your mood, and promote mental well-being, while helping you sleep well. Stress Relief does not cause drowsiness, dependency or withdrawal symptoms either. Embrace a stress free life with powerful Stress Relief capsules.

Requires prescription: No

Net quantity: 30 capsules per pack

Completely safe & non habit forming

Additional information


Pack of 2, pack of 3


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